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Uni-Tasking Leads to “You”nitasking, Covid be Damned!
It’s okay to do just one thing a day.
The Age of Covid, and Murder Hornets has been a total pressure-cooker for me. Psyche screaming, “You have time off for who knows how long? There’s no excuse not to get these million things done NOW! I mean, let’s hope this never happens again, but if it doesn’t, won’t you feel stupid if you don’t make the most out of this pandemic pause?”
Compelled to touch base with every old friend via the telephone, where actual conversations are had. Guilty if I don’t write that book, screenplay, memoir while also cleaning out every square inch of every closet. Ridding my Isolation Igloo of those old fashioned dust collectors called books! And for good measure those book shelf thingys.
The cleaning, the more cleaning, the cooking added to the list of things I now have time for has made me declare every Sunday my “Uni-tasking Day.” On Sundays, I vow to only get one nagging thing completely done and then enjoy the rest of Sunday. The way I used to B.P. (Before Pandemic). There is no reason to erase the one day set-aside for worship, or Sunday suppers.
A Single Digit accomplishment day is a must for all of us. Let’s call it You-nitasking. Taking care instead of pressuring ourselves relentlessly, because we are now all The Boss. The…