Advice for those beyond Type A

Diane Burroughs
2 min readFeb 2, 2019

If you have been accused of being a Type A, but you know deep down you are a Type Quadruple A, read on. Where Type A’s appear to be perfectionistic, and compared to most folks, they are, Quadruple A’s tend to break everything in life down to a common factor normal people would never think of in a million years. But to us, that is how our brains work, so we are incapable of acting any other way. That’s why I’ve coined the term “Type Quadruple A’s”. (If you don’t understand this concept, you may stop reading here.)

Nobody understands us. It’s a level of perfection beyond the word perfection. We drive people away and so, we spend alot of time inside our heads going, “If that lady at the grocery store would’ve packed her canvas bag this way, she would have twice as much room.” But I cannot tell her. “If that man would trim and gel his hair, update his shoes and get new glasses, he would look so much better!” But we cannot tell that person. We cannot give unsolicited advice or instruction to every obviously disengaged stranger we encounter in the world.

We know that where normal type A’s would arrange their closets with blouses here, skirts there, slacks over there, etc., Quadruple A’s must go at least 3 steps farther. We’d arrange according to blouses, yes, but also the color of the blouses. “That’s not so weird,” you are thinking. But we don’t stop there. Oh, no. We must arrange the green tops from shortest to longest in length and then subset that with sleeveless green tops of the longest length to the shortest length. And then the shades of green is another subset. Kelly Green, Olive Green, Lime Green, well you get what I’m saying. To us, this all makes perfect sense and furthermore, we do not understand why everyone doesn’t arrange a closet in this very helpful, time-saving way.

And so, how do we shut those screaming perfectionistic voices out of our heads? How do we not turn our Quadruple A-ness on ourselves?

Well, we…do. We kinda have to.

So I am saying, “Quadruple A’s Unite!” Respond to me! Let’s find each other! Let’s discuss exactly how much toothpaste a person should put on a toothbrush so as not to waste gobs of it every time we brush our teeth. Or how a water-flosser is far superior to brushing, and we just heard about a new blue-light thing, well, we do go on. (Feel free to Google that)

But we know we must say nothing. We must hold these thoughts in our heads.



Diane Burroughs
Diane Burroughs

Written by Diane Burroughs

Inspiring & humorous words for Women on a Path of New-Self Discovery💫 Let Me Buck You Up!💭 & Lets do this Together 💬 🌻 www.Leftat50.com | Download App: 📲

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