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Ringing Out The Pain: A New Year’s Resolution
When you are around the age of fifty and doing a major Life Restart, New Year’s Eve can be daunting. A myopic view of past years with the Ex is not going to have you donning a giddy pair of New Year goggles. Here’s some advice. Think of the start of 2019 as wringing out the pain week.
That souring old tear-soaked washcloth from year’s past must be dealt with so as not to yuck-up 2019 too. Don’t cling to the “What Kind of (Your Swearword Here) Would Do That’s?’ and disavow that crazy notion of, “I’m Never Going To Stop Stalking His Facebook Page” 2018 mind gunk. Stalking online is so last year.
Thow it away! The New Year cannot properly ring in if there is still an echo of ugly words ringing through “Youville.” Move off of “I Dwell In The Past Alley” onto “Badass Boulevard.” If you’re wondering where that is exactly, it’s right around the corner from “I’m Rocking It Road.” I know you’ve been there.
Let the new neighbors stare at The New Chick on the Block. What’s she up to? Why is her mailbox always stuffed with invites? Let them peak out their front windows and spy a confident gal-on-the-go. Cause ladies, the only thing you will be stalking in 2019 are happening experiences!