Ladies Re-entering the Dating Pool Beware: Broken Men Cannot Be Fixed
When out there looking for a mate in our fifties, women are bound to come upon a type of man in droves: “The Recently Heart Broken Man.” They are out there with their phony smiles trying to lock eyes in the towel section of Bed, Bath and Beyond. When they nod at you, do not nod back.
This time in our lives must be filled with the joy of meeting new types of men. It must not be filled with putting bandages over boo-boos and ignoring them. Do you find yourself gravitating toward the Man Who Has Been Abolished by Life at the office party? Turn around fast. You deserve fun, laughter, exciting world-opening experiences today and every day.
Don’t be any man’s human crutch. Many, many middle-aged men are seeking just such a woman. We have been there, done that on too many occasions for our Exes. The payback for all of our sacrifices on their behalf was that there was no payback. Choose not to live like that anymore.
This Columbus Day weekend, think of places to go where interesting, mentally healthy men might be. An art museum tour, an observatory, a lecture. If you are a man-seeker, (and God knows we all are not), then go where you enjoy what there is to offer and take a look-see. We will know him when we see him because there will be no bad vibe to ignore from the get-go. Nada. Just the thought of a connection like that makes my heart go pitty-pat!
It doesn’t mean we are eager to get married again. It simply implies that we choose to honor ourselves from here on out. It’s time to let nice men open doors for us once more. When the Ex stopped doing that, I noticed but said nothing and adjusted. “It’s no big deal,” I told myself. “You can’t expect a man to hold doors open for you forever.” Guess, what ladies, yes you certainly can! If you set that parameter, you will seek that parameter. An air of sophisticated confidence will project the qualities you appreciate in a man with all of his psyche still in tact. No glue required!