Member-only story
A Tough Year For Us Type A’s
No matter how Type A we are, we can never be prepared for everything. It’s impossible.
In this pandemic year, I don’t know about you, but my Type A tendencies got a real battering. In the face of a deadly virus the world had never seen before, I had to come to terms with some cold, hard facts of this weird, new life.
Isolation. Masks. Loneliness. Zoom-everything. It freaked me out for the first six months. You too?
The realization that even if I followed all protocols to a “T” I might get the virus anyway. I believed the scientists, of course. But since they are Type A’s too, I could see their uneasiness under the surface.
This was a year where some chose to believe that facts are not facts. They are merely opinions. I’m not one of those. I chose to wear the mask and everything else. I received my first dose yesterday. I feel fine, but of course I happily wear my mask. One shot is not immunity unless it’s the J&J and I couldn’t wait for one of those to become available.
I need to get on with life. But I am forever changed by this worldwide catastrophe. The lesson is that I cannot control anything. Not a pandemic virus. Not what other people believe about it. Not if I may still get sick in the future of a variant.
Pre-pandemic, this Type A lived in the bubble of her own making. The one where if she did everything she felt was right AND did it perfectly (like that straight-A student I prided myself as. You too?) That bubble was popped…